
Please don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions.

Payment is in advance, directly to my business bank account. If you would like to join McYoga, please email me to confirm your preferred class attendance, and I can provide bank details. Please use your name as the payment reference, so I can easily identify the source! 

Free Class Recordings

All students have access to my library of Class Recordings, so you can revisit old favourites, practice in between classes, during the holidays, and when you are away from home.

Free Taster Class

I am delighted to welcome new members, whatever level of experience. If you would like to try the Thursday class, please email me to check there is space (limited availability at the location). For the Monday Zoom class there’s no need to pre-arrange here’s how.

Payment by standing order

If you pay by monthly standing order, classes work out cheaper. Standing orders are to be made on the 1st of the month, in advance. Should you wish to cancel at any time, for any reason, please just go ahead, and let me know so I can refund you a pro-rata amount for any classes you won’t be attending.   

Monday Zoom classes - £20 per month

Thursday real life classes - £25 per month

Payment by term

(terms are in line with the school academic year)

Monday Zoom classes:

£42 for a termly block of 6 weeks. (ie £7 per class)

In addition to the live Zoom class, class recordings are regularly updated and available any time.

Thursday real life classes:

£51 for a termly block of 6 weeks (ie £8.50 per class)

If you miss any classes, you are always welcome to join the Monday Zoom class, or use class recordings instead.

Payment by individual class (drop-in)

Real life classes:

£10 per single real life class. Please contact me either by email or on the Whatsapp group to check there is space

Zoom classes:

£10 per single zoom class.