Class information

(Please see here for health and safety information)

I teach a gentle Hatha flow style yoga called My Kind Of Yoga. 

I currently run 2 classes a week:

  • On Monday 7pm a zoom class (all welcome!)

  • On Thursday 7pm a live class (numbers ltd)

The class sequences are suitable for all & include easy alternative beginner poses. All classes include plenty of options, so can be as easy or challenging as you wish, and can be tailored to suit all.

I offer a free taster lesson to anyone who is not already attending my classes.

Class content (“Intentions”)

Every calendar month we move on to a new “Intention” (eg Grounded, Inner Spark, etc). This is our theme for the month, with a fresh new class sequence to gradually develop/ progress over that month. 

Video recordings

The zoom classes are recorded, each month (once we are making smoother progress through the poses). These videos don’t show participants, just me teaching, and are available to anyone on a monthly or termly plan, on the Class Recordings page. This means you can practice the current intention, or revisit previous material, whenever the McYoga mood strikes! 

Class schedule

Jane McYoga classes run 40 weeks a year, during the state school academic terms. During the school holidays, new “Intention” videos will continue to be released each month, with these and previous class recordings available to people on the monthly/termly plans. My hope is to enable you to continue your regular yoga practice, using both familiar and fresh material, at times to suit you during the holiday period. 

Mondays 7-8pm (zoom)

Thursdays 7-8pm  (live)

Class location

During lockdown I’m running Live Zoom Classes , which are a convenient and friendly way to maintain our class atmosphere and content from the comfort of home. If you’d like to see how it works, there is a sample video of previous zoom classes at beginner and intermediate levels on the free videos page

I’m SUPER delighted to be returning to some teaching in real life from September 2021, in Abbots Leigh village hall. I plan to continue with my usual zoom sessions. Please join my WhatsApp group, or contact me for information.

How to book

Please email me to confirm your preferred class attendance, and I can provide bank details, and invite you to join my yoga WhatsApp group for regular updates

Before making a booking or using my videos, please review health and safety notes here